Sunday, February 07, 2010

halo, are you out there?

Darn. Haloscan is dying on me. In fact, it will shut down in about 2 days' time and I have to go back to Blogger's own commenting board. Argh. And lose all those lovely comments you peeps have left here throughout the years.

(Sorry if I haven't replied to any of your comments lately, I felt like it would be futile...)

According to Haloscan, I have 2,611 comments and I can either import them or migrate over to another system.

At the moment there is no Haloscan comment importer for any of the popular platforms but they expect that "some will emerge soon". How soon, I don't know.

If I migrate to Echo, the trial will only last me a month and then I have to start paying.

I'm in a lose-lose situation, and delaying the decision ain't gonna solve things. I wish I can close my eyes real hard, and when I open them a solution will somehow appear!

Anyways. can you all from now on please comment on my Blogger commenting system instead. I'm quite sure I have it enabled even before this, but I can't seem to see it from my side. Thanks :)

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